Preventing Water Loss
Does you fountain seem to lose water faster than expected? Here are a few helpful hints that will solve the majority of water loss problems associated with outdoor fountains.

Additional Notes:
During hotter times of the year observe the water overspray earlier in the morning when the ground is cooler. You will be able to see the full extent of the overspray.
If you have any additional questions, please call LiquidArt, at 800-974-9586.
A leak is the most unlikely issue unless it was there from the beginning, prior to installation. Once LiquidArt’s pondless fountains are installed, there is not much that will cause them to start leaking except possibly a very deep, prolonged freeze causing a crack. Rather, it is more likely caused by something that can easily be fixed. One way to test for leaks is to unplug your fountain, fill the reservoir to the top with water and see if it drains in the same amount of time that you are experiencing when the pump is plugged in and water is flowing. If the reservoir holds water while unplugged, then your water loss will most likely be caused by one of the following reasons.
As the surrounding vegetation matures and grows taller & wider there is a chance that some of it will start to touch the sides of the fountain pieces. This can cause a serious loss of water, very quickly. Broad leaf plants cause the biggest problem, they act as funnels, draining the water from the side of your fountain straight to the ground, beyond the reservoir. If this is happing the best solution is to simply prune back the vegetation that is causing the problem.
Wind can cause a severe loss of water. Wind can and will blow the water flowing down your fountain piece, preventing water from being recaptured in the reservoir. The stronger the wind the faster the water loss. Be prepared to frequently add water to your fountain during winding conditions or if you live in an area where wind prevails.
Another water loss cause can be the poly-screen that lays over the top of your grating. If the poly-screen has shifted so that one of the edges extends to or past the edge of the fountain then you will most likely lose water as the water falling from the fountain will travel along the poly-screen and over the edge of the reservoir. Solution – either shift the screen back in place, making sure that your not shifting the screen over one of the other fountain edges (all four edges of the poly-screen need to fit within the reservoirs walls) OR you can use scissors to trim the excess screen, cutting between the inner edge of the reservoir wall and outer edge of the grating.
Lastly, and possibly the most obvious, overspray. Check your fountain pieces, while the water is flowing, to see how much water is splashing beyond the edge of your fountain. If water is splashing beyond the edge then slide or shift the fountain piece(s) within range of the hose limit that is attached and see if that helps. If you need to move the fountain piece(s) more than the hose will permit then you will have to relocate the hose through another grating hole to allow more distance from the edge of the reservoir. Another option is to reduce the water flow via the ball valve inside your reservoir. Turning down the water can make a big difference.